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News: The Hamilton Commission Report

Updated: Aug 9, 2021

Today, the Hamilton Commission released a report containing the findings of a study aimed at highlighting why Black people aren't finding their way through the school system and into motorsport.

In summary, the report uncovered the following main factors (but not limited to), which were very much aligned to our experiences thus far within the industry.

  1. Hiring practices within motorsport teams that favour students from a select group of high-ranking universities, which many of the existing engineers and recruiting managers also graduated from.

  2. Lower expectations of Black students’ academic abilities leading to lower entries to STEM subjects, such as triple science GCSE - which is often required in order to take STEM subjects at A-Level

  3. The lack of Black role models in STEM teaching positions throughout a student’s educational career, including in higher education.

  4. A lack of understanding among young people of the careers that studying engineering can lead to, and a feeling among Black students that motorsport ‘wasn’t for them’.

The study also aimed to develop a host of recommendations based on these addressing these factors targeted at improving the representation of Black people in UK motorsport.

10 recommendations were published, focusing on SUPPORT & EMPOWERMENT, ACCOUNTABILITY & MEASUREMENT and INSPIRATION & ENGAGEMENT.

The recommendations were put forward as actions which the Commission believe will start to take large steps into the problem of representation within the sport and will develop more inclusive cultures to the benefit of the sport on a whole. The impact of diverse working cultures cannot be ignored.

Throughout the process, Wavey Dynamics' Director, Jahee was in close contact with the Commission to assist in their research.

As a Black motorsport engineer, i have direct experience with many of the barriers to representation that are faced by young people making their way into the sport, so i had quite a unique perspective to offer.
Before The Commission was established, i had also been speaking with stakeholders within motorsport about these barriers and have put together a framework detailing the barriers to entry and also some solutions on how to tackle them, so it was great to help this study by contributing with those ideas and it's positive to see that a few have made their way into the report.

As a bonus, and something we're proud of, our project with MFT is also featured in the report as a case study of current projects existing to tackle representation in the sport and make tangible changes. Direct action is the key.

Projects Need Sponsors

We are looking for innovative and genuine companies to join us in support and endorsement of the project.

If you want to stand beside us as we reimagine a more diverse and inclusive motorsport and make some real, tangible changes by sponsoring our efforts, we welcome you.

Get in touch.

Leading Change

Recommendations and suggested actions are great, but without people to engage with them and take action in implementing them, nothing changes.

With our unique perspectives at Wavey Dynamics and MFT, we have a particularly strong interest in being a part of the change, not just with our racing project, but as consultants to these serious about changing the narrative.

We are open to advise and consult your organisations on diversity and creating more inclusive cultures.



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